Office hours: Closed
Tel.: +420 257 420 070, +420 257 042 094

Declaration of accessibility

Declaration of accessibility

In creating the website of the Office of the Financial Arbitrator, government agency, ID number 725 46 522, address Legerova 1581/69, 110 00 Prague 1 (hereinafter referred to as “the Office of the Financial Arbitrator”) emphasis was given to the easy accessibility of its contents, coherence, complexity, comprehensibility and technical operation.

The form of the published information is in accordance with the Decree No 64/2008 Coll., on the Form of Publishing Information related to Public Administration on Web Pages for Disabled People (Regulation of Accessibility), and complies with all the requirements set up by its annex.

The accessibility of the website shall ensure such an access to the information on the website which is not limited by any considerable objections of technical or any other nature that could lead to a discrimination of specific groups of users or cause inaccessibility of the information to specific categories of users. The contents of the website and its technical features thus shall not create any considerable objections to the users making the possibility of using the website subject to disability, personal abilities, knowledge, experience, or display possibilities of the users.

The concept of the website of the Office of the Financial Arbitrator is based particularly on the following:

  • Experience in using internet
  • Health condition
  • Languages and ability to understand a written text
  • Technical equipment
  • Software equipment

The website may be zoomed using the standard internet browser tools. The website was created based on Directive XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The website is accessible using the internet protocol IPv6.

Notice of failure to comply with the rules of accessibility

The Office of the Financial Arbitrator hereby publishes notice that the users might not be given an advance notice of opening a new tab at all times. Where a link is provided to a different type of file than a website it might not be accompanied by a notice of the type or size of such file. The deficiency is being removed gradually and the web administrator will be happy to be informed of every malfunctioning part of the website.

Responsibility for the information published

The Office of the Financial Arbitrator shall not be held liable for any damage caused by using data published at the website. By using the data the user expresses his/her consent with the above mentioned limitation of liability of the Office of the Financial Arbitrator. Any information and documents available on the website are of an informative character only and shall not be legally (or in any other way) binding. Any information and/or documents available on the website may be changed at any time without an advance notice.

Opening PDF and video files

Some of the documents available on the website are in PDF format. To open it you may download Acrobat Reader free of charge.

Web administrator contact

If there is any issue regarding accessibility of the website contents or using the website, please contact Gabriela Dufková who is in charge of the administration of the website of the Office of the Financial Arbitrator:, +420 257 042 082.
